Technicolor, and the 55th Anniversary of Boeing

The Baby Boomer Radio, TV, Movies, Magazines, Music, Comics, Fads, Toys, Fun, and More Show! show

Summary: This episode of Galaxy Moonbeam Night Site features a look back at Technicolor. Everyone recalls the great films of the 30s through 50s that were shot in vivid Technicolor. This story begins back in the late teens, and we look back at how the Technicolor company came into being as well as the developments that led to the unique and beautiful color movies we remember so well. We look back at some of the best remembered films from this era. There was a warmth and crispness in the Technicolor pictures that can't be duplicated today. Next, we turn to the 55th anniversary of the Boeing 707 Jet Airplane. This craft brought the commercial jet age to reality. Boeing's gamble to build and create this airplane paid off, since they invested far more than what the company was worth at that time. The beginning of the jet age impacted many facets of our culture and daily life. The 707 was referred to in movies, TV shows, and in books. The idea of being able to take a flight cross-country rather than a train trip, or on board a cruise ship took hold, and marked the beginning of the jet age. Finally, we look back at a few of the game shows of the 1960s and 70s. Many of these shows had visual appeal. In the age before flat screens and modern computers, boards with squares, drawings, charts, and rear screen projectors were the norm. A few of the shows we recall are Concentration; Jeopardy; and The Match Game. These shows also appealed to kids, although we might not have understood all the rules, we liked watching all of the interesting things happening on-screen! Our Retro-Commercials are for the 1964 Buick and for National Airlines. Hop on board with Galaxy Moonbeam Night Site!