Beyond the Pale September 22, 2013 — Hosted by Eve Sicular

Beyond the Pale show

Summary:  First, Eve speaks with director Moshe Yassur about world premiere Yiddish-language production of "Waiting for Godot" by the New Yiddish Rep company, and Yassur's own remarkable decades in theater from Yiddish to Ionesco.  Next, we hear musician Benjy Fox-Rosen, recently returned from his Fulbright scholarship in Moldova, singing first a traditional Romanian doyna, followed by a witty yet foreboding allegory by Bessarabian Yiddish songwriter Zelig Barditshever (1898-1937), "Eyle Toldes Noyekh" ("This is the History of Noah").  Then Eve talks with Professor Olga Gershenson about her latest book, Phantom Holocaust: Soviet Cinema & Jewish Catastrophe -- a history of films made & suppressed, of political intrigue, cultural encoding, and artistic struggle from late 1930's Stalinist times to post-perestroika.  Next, director Peter Miller describes his new documentary "AKA Doc Pomus," profiling the legendary tunesmith (ne Jerome Felder), screening soon in theaters across the country; NYC run opens October 4 at Village East Cinemas. Our second live in-studio music performance is Jacob Garchik's solo trombone paraphrase of "Dialogue with My Great-Grandfather" from his CD "The Heavens: Atheist Gospel Trombone Album." Finally, Eve speaks with Dr. Barbara Siminovich-Blok about correspondences between traditional Chinese medical meridians and Jewish prayer practice of wrapping tefillin (based in part on "Tefillin: Ancient Acupuncture Point Prescription for Mental Clarity" by Dr. Steven Schram).