Worldbuilding in Writing

Hide and Create show

Summary: This week on Hide and Create, Jordan Ellinger, Moses Siregar and Joshua Essoe welcome Jaye Wells to the show as Diana Rowland takes a couple of months leave of absence. (Don’t worry, she’ll be back!) Jaye, for those of you who don’t know, is a USA Today best-selling, urban fantasy author. We throw Jaye a softball this week to discuss what’s in her wheelhouse, worldbuilding! The whole point of worldbuilding is to create something vivid and alive. To give a strong sense of place — and not just any place. Your place. Your individual creation, different from any of those other worlds out there. With that in mind, don’t let it distract you from the true purpose of engaging in its creation in the first place — your story. You could literally ponder all the implications and ramifications of Transporter technology, for example, for a year and maybe still not get under the skin of it. So remember your world is in service of your story, your story is not in service to your world.