#61: Crafting Towncraft – The Construction of an iPad Hit

The Game Engine show

Summary: Paul and Andrew are joined by the creators of local iPad hit Towncraft for an in-depth discussion of its origins, development and marketing. Two years ago, brothers Rohan and Leigh Harris set out to build a tablet game that harked back to the isometric wonders of the early 90s. Recently, they hit number two in the Australian iPad charts. What manner of journey filled the space in between? What was easy? What was hard? And can you truly make money on iOS without microtransactions? Listen, and ye shall be informed. Bonus topic: the great Steam Greenlighting, and the implications thereof. Wherein Rohan says exactly what Saul would have said if he was there, except much more eloquently. As always, thanks to Studio Ripple for our intro/outro music, and to SAE for the recording space and gear. Send questions and topic ideas to us via Facebook, Twitter or email. Subscribe on iTunes or via the RSS feed.