Doctor Prepper's CPR

Preparedness Radio Network (PRN) show

Summary: In this interview, Doctor Prepper™ visits with Patriot Nurse.  She is an actively practicing RN, with a BSN, specializing in training people in medical preparedness in extreme circumstances.  In addition to her work in the United States, she has also traveled extensively for medical mission work in 3 world countries. One commentator said: “She runs, she guns and she heals the sick.”  Patriot Nurse explains: “God heals the sick.  It’s his drama, I just show up as an actress.”  She is also quoted as saying, “I am a prepper; I am a woman; I am free––and I’ll stay that way.” As Doctor Prepper points out at the beginning of this interview, “Without being medically prepared you can be blindsided by some very simple things.” Patriot Nurse explains that on the Internet, in prepping programs and in the movies people get the instructions: “As long as you have food, guns and the medical kit you bought on sale at Wally-World, you’re going to be okay.”  She responds: “Food and guns are not that hard to learn about and have on hand, but to adequately cover the medical side takes much more focus and education.” Visit Visit