SPP 072 – Switching Up Our Strategies and a Virtual Grab Bag

The Story Studio Podcast - Writing, Storytelling, and Marketing Advice for Writers & Business show

Summary: This was one of those episodes where we had thirty things to talk about and only one week to talk about it between guest appearances, so we jammed it all in. Here's some bullet points of what we discussed: • We took voicemails about release schedules, print vs. e-book publishing, pre-sales, and more • After getting a Tweet that enraged him, Dave railed a FUCKLOAD about why none of the three of us on SPP are women and/or why we don't bring a woman into join us every week to add gender balance • How Lexi Maxxwell (link NSFW) is gaining reviews and no longer discounting her books for her list, and why • What Dave REALLY thought about me (Johnny) before he met me, and how I may have dodged a mail bomb • The very first "someone else writing in the world of The Beam" story is written: The Future of Sex by our erotica author friend Lexi Maxxwell. Sean and I were directly involved. Basically, we entered into an awesome collaboration with Lexi from two bullets above (Lexi wrote the sex parts and came up with the concept; Sean and I story architected it and wrote much of the rest). The result is very explicit sexually but is also VERY "Beam." Personally, I think that even if you're not into erotica, you should read The Future of Sex because it explores so much in the background of The Beam. (You could even skip the sex scenes. I sure didn't when I read it back, though.) • We are no longer doing weekly releases (and we discuss why) • Sean and I started an email-only serial that we're sending out to our list subscribers every week. Join the list on the Realm & Sands site to read it for free. • We talked more about birthing the Self Publishing Podcast blog, and the co-existing reasons behind it: publishing a book on the same concepts as an authority piece and starting speaking careers • Why Dave writes so well about food and Sean writes so well about weed • Sean attempts to change our Better Off Undead podcast yet again To view the video version of this episode, go to: Self Publishing Podcast #72 - Switching Up Our Strategies and a Virtual Grab-Bag