Recount Results Denial/Crushing Democracy MI-9/25 @11am ET

Independent Underground Radio LIVE (IURL) show

Summary: Welcome to Independent Underground Radio LIVE - MICHIGAN'S TOP POLITICO PODCAST - Tuesday, September 24, 2013 at 11am ET SHARP!On today's program we'll discuss:-What's the Deal with Detroit Primary Election Recount Denial Syndrome? It appears a case of this mysterious disease has broken out like an Bubonic Plague stretching from Michigan Largest City straight up I-96 to Lansing State Capitol doorstep. We'll discuss.-House Bill 4833 sole purpose is to punish all candidates Statewide seeking to conduct a legal recount in Michigan by imposing a 115% usage tax, to do so? Is this how House Representatives intent on fostering Democracy in Michigan? We'll highlight HB 4833 in our Straight and To The Point Segment.-Sister Sarah Palin from Wasilla, AK has dug out of her cubbie hole to ask for fire and brimstone to cast its' spell over the modern day Republican Party. Palin coined a recent 'Op/Ed' on calling for GOP rebellion if Senate Republican fails to defund the Affordable Health Care Act. -Governor Rick Snyder is running for a second term. Listen in as we discuss the facts on why Michiganders should PREPARE for another four years of the Rickster in charge as a Democrat challengers appear thin or non-existant. Independent Underground Radio LIVE FEATURED THIRD YEAR ON BTR Political Talk podcast is based out of Ann Arbor covering and National Politics, breaking news and more.   Call into the show with your thoughts and opinions at 347-934-0185 or tweet us @IUNewsTalk.