Medium, Thumper Donnelly :: How To Live In The Fourth Dimension

The Sound Of Your Significance show

Summary: Medium, Thumper Donnelly :: How To Live In The Fourth Dimension She's ba-ak!!!  My friend, Thumper, has graced us with her silvery laughter and animated presence once again on The Sound Of Your Significance Radio Show. Today she paints a picture of what it is like to live in the fourth dimension. Sounds like a Syfy movie, right!? I have to say I am a junkie for Syfy and Fantasy. These genres helps me to escape the human confines and rules that we have created. It simply gets me excited to open up to new possibilities. What are your thoughts? Are there infinite possibilities or realities? Heavy question, I know. I promise I do not want to make your brain spin into esoteric land, yet I have enjoyed chewing on the thought of multi-faceted dimensions as well as contemplating how much unseen 'energy' really exists in the world. So what the heck is the fourth dimension? Is it real? What does Thumper mean? What does it have to do with a peaceful, high-frequency existence? Hit the play button below to find out why she suggests 'leaning into the sword' to enhance your life. Thumper has a great offering for you, so make sure you listen to the end.  Show Notes :: What you will learn into today's episode What happens when you deny your gifts. Why going through the dark times offers you insight into the light. Why 'the changes' you seek do not have to be hard. How to lean into 'the spear' of challenge to make yourself a better person. Why you create your own difficulty. Why it is important to pre-interview and check out a medium before scheduling a session. And more! Listen to Part II of the Thumper Donnelly Interview Now :: Share the love, change the world!  After this episode I want you to... Share a moment when you have lived in ultimate peace (the fourth dimension, as Thumper would say) below in the comments or on Facebook? What do you see as your responsibility to offer to the world every day? Sound Tweets + Facebook Love (simply click to tweet or cut + paste for Facebook) It is a dis-service to others for me to deny my gifts.  See why @JenniferNesbitHolt #SOYSRadio Why you need to lean into the sword to find your truth @JenniferNesbitHolt #SOYSRadio Sign up for Thumper's Gift Fast! >>Free 20 Minute Reading