Attention Reggae Artist Trademark your Stage name Or Loose

Crs Radio Caribbean Radio Show  show

Summary: GINO from iration Reggae explain how important  it is for an artist  to regist his/her stage name  The business of entertainment is easily one of the most complex businesses one will encounter. This is due primarily to the fact that it is a business that involves the production and commercial distribution of various types of media content (sound recordings, films, games etc) as well as the rendering of performance services. These activities are typically executed through relationships between a number of persons with rights and an interest in the proceeds of the eventual outcome. The rights involved are generally governed by a mixture of contractual agreements and statutory provisions such as those covered by Copyright Law and the Law of Trademarks.(Lloyd Stanbury ) You need a service mark! A trademark and a service mark are two different things. Trademarks are for goods, like clothing etc. Service marks are for services, like  a reggae peroforming on stage.this is one of the most important things you possess as an artist ... the service of your stage name . 661-467-2407