90 – Amber Barno: Former Army Combat Helicopter Pilot; Spokesperson for Concerned Vets for America

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Summary: Amber Barno is a conservative writer and commentator. Her articles have been published in various news sites such as The Daily Caller, The Commentator, Concerned Veterans for America, and The Examiner with topics that include national security, military, politics, women’s issues, and veteran’s issues. Amber has been featured on TV and radio programs including Fox News, America Live with Megyn Kelly, Fox and Friends, Real News on The Blaze TV, ABC News, The Blaze Radio, The David Webb Show, Wilkow Majority, The Ernie Brown Show and co-hosted USAA’s annual Veterans Day celebration. Amber served in the United States Army as an OH58D Kiowa Warrior helicopter pilot for almost eight years.  She served in combat during deployments to Iraq for Operation Iraqi Freedom and Afghanistan for Operation Enduring Freedom. During her service as a pilot, she earned the title of Pilot-in-Command and Air Mission Commander. Amber has extensive experience in security and reconnaissance operations. Amber is a graduate of Eastern Kentucky University with a Master of Science in Safety, Security, and Emergency Management with a specialization and a graduate certificate in Homeland Security. Additionally, Amber has researched terrorism events and contributed data to the Global Terrorism Database at the National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism.  Amber has taught at the graduate school level and is on the Board of Directors at the Tennessee World Affairs Council in Nashville, Tennessee where she helps promote educational awareness and advancement of international issues to local schools and the community. Amber has a Bachelor of Science in Professional Aeronautics with a minor in Management from Embry Riddle Aeronautical University. Visit Amber's Website: amberbarno.com