Aubrey de Grey’s Singularity Podcast: Longevity Escape Velocity May Be Closer Than We Think

Singularity.FM  show

Summary: Last week I had the privilege of interviewing Dr. Aubrey de Grey. He is a world famous and controversial author and theoretician in the field of gerontology and is currently serving as a chief science officer at the Strategies for Engineered Negligible Senescence (SENS) foundation. During his interview for singularity podcast, Dr. de Grey shared his views on a wide spectrum of topics such as his concept of longevity escape velocity as well as aging, religion, artificial intelligence, the technological singularity, Ray Kurzweil, human uploading and others. You can listen to or download the full interview above. To find out more about Dr. Aubrey de Grey click here. To see Christopher Syke's full documentary about the controversial gerontologist watch Do You Want to Live Forever? To find out more about the SENS foundation click the banner below. So, do you want to live forever? Related articles by Zemanta Singularity Podcast: Barry Ptolemy on Transcendent Man ( Michael Anissimov's Podcast: Singularity Without Compromise ( James Harvey's Singularity Podcast: We are Singularia ( Singularity Podcast: Vernor Vinge and Cory Doctorow on NPR ( Aubrey de Grey at TEDMED ( Jason Silva on Singularity Podcast: Let Your Ideas Be Noble, Poetic and Beautiful (