SPP 071 – Killing Sacred Cows with Dean Wesley Smith and Kristine Kathryn Rusch

The Story Studio Podcast - Writing, Storytelling, and Marketing Advice for Writers & Business show

Summary: This was a hum-dinger of a show, already lauded by many of our viewers who watch us live on our YouTube channel as "the best episode yet." We spoke to two very well-known names in indie publishing (which they refer to as "the new world of publishing," Dean Wesley Smith and Kristine Kathryn Rusch. I've been wanting to talk to Kris and Dean for a while and we've gotten a lot of listener requests about it, so finally Mark from Kobo (poor guy, we'll never be able to call him by his full name because he's forever "Mark from Kobo") made the introduction. It might be worth checking out the YouTube video for this episode to watch Sean's antics as he vehemently agrees with 99% of what they say, going so far as to make hugging and other gestures the whole time. Some hot-button topics we touched on were: * Pricing your writing higher * Writing in various genres (under the same name) is good * Treat your writing like products more than art * Write a lot, and release new stuff as fast as you can … and basically a ton of other stuff that made us want to join their family. They're married to each other now, so we figure we're halfway there already. To view the video version of this episode, go to: Self Publishing Podcast #71 - Killing Sacred Cows with Dean Wesley Smith and Kristine Kathryn Rusch