Guild Wars Reporter Episode 75 – Schrodinger’s Dragon

Guild Wars Reporter show

Summary: Celeste calls out to Allona again to fill the empty hole he's left while at PAX. We talk about living world, Scarlet Briar, and the new stuff coming with Super Adventure Box's return. Listen now: What We Did This Week   Allona: Scarlet’s invasions and playhouse Reading Sea of Sorrows   Celeste: Ele exploration Engineer to 20 using cheater scroll Scarlet’s invasions & playhouse   Report from Lion’s Arch   Dat Infographic “We knew we wanted to use live updates to make the world even more dynamic. And we knew that in order to really succeed at that, we’d have to be able to ship new content into the world at an unprecedented scale.” “We want to involve you in shaping these world changes. Recently you elected Ellen Kiel to the Captain’s Council, along with her promise to research a Fractal dungeon about the Thaumanova Reactor Explosion. That means you directly decided what content ArenaNet is building for Guild Wars 2 for release later this year. In the coming year you’ll see more and more how your choices and actions in Tyria will permanently change the world.” [speculation about what other changes may occur] Obligatory ad: “If you haven’t joined us yet, there’s never been a better time. Whether you’d rather wage war in epic battles with hundreds of players, test your skills against fellow players in our competitive PvP scene, or just explore a vast world that offers new surprises every time you log in, I invite you to check out Guild Wars 2 today.” Still using the 3.5 million I wonder if we’ll ever get an updated count or if they’ll stick to the fastest selling MMO (in the western industry) Wow, I really hate Risen Thralls, how about you? [Allona: I really had no idea they were so deadly] To contrast that, the number of times players have revived other players is encouraging   Follow-Up Interview with Mike O’Brien (Massively, MMORPG, & GW2Hub) I wrote in my blog post that for me, when it comes together, is where dynamic events and living world events that are going on - where it really feels right - is when you're fighting for the world. That you don't think about the fact "was this always in the game" or "is this an event that got layered in recently?". You don't think about the mechanics of how it's all happening, you just think about the fact something is going on in the world. Massively: What's the single biggest lesson you've learned in the one year period, keeping up with Guild Wars 2? I'll start with the biggest single challenge, for challenge, is of course being able to deliver content at the pace we're wanting to deliver at. I think it's an amazing power we have right now to keep the game constantly changing. Its been a year to build our team and company to the point where we can do this. Its been a reworking of a lot of our company and production processes but we did it! Look at the update we just did. What I look forward to is thinking about that release and then thinking about a year of those releases every two weeks. That's the kind of power we have in our grasp right now and that's what gets me excited. MMORPG: If you're constantly growing the world with Living World updates, is that a replacements to expansions? Are you adding new zones at any point? First, we've been clear (hopefully) to our players that we're focusing on Living World right now. We're really not focusing on expansions right now. We think there's so much we can do with Living World right now - and we have - and you're asking can we add zones to the world: we did. We did add the Fractals of the Mists system through the Living World. Ascended gear - I know that was controversial - but it was a major new type of advancement that we didn't wait for an expansion for.