2010 - Falling to Heaven

Patricia King - Everlasting Love show

Summary: Mickey Robinson has an amazing testimony of the power of God to save and transform a life. People all over the world have been impacted by this man’s story of how the Lord not only raised him from the dead, but also appeared to him in a series of visitations that opened the eternal realm to him. During these visitations, Jesus not only revealed heaven to Mickey but also miraculously healed him from the shock, trauma and debilitating conditions of being burned alive after an airplane crash. Don’t miss this episode of XPTV when Mickey Robinson joins Patricia King and tells of how a life of action and adventure led to a great tragedy that Jesus turned into an amazing series of triumphs that are still echoing around the world through Mickey’s healing and prophetic ministry. As you watch, you will realize that no matter what circumstances you are facing, the Lord is well able to bring you into victory!!