Liberty Conspiracy - 7-11-11 Video Games, Advertising, Free Will, Liberty and Violence - A New Look at Supreme Court Decision, Plus Mothyspace on Social Contract Theory, PLUS Gubment Fear-mongering

Liberty Conspiracy show

Summary: Thank you for choosing the Liberty Conspiracy Audios for your entertainment, education, debate, and all-around fun. We strive to look at contemporary issues and squeeze long-standing principles from them. We hope to explore the ideas of free markets and individual sovereignty so that you have a bit more material to use should you take up the fight for them. In this program, El G Grande explores another perspective on the recent US Supreme Court decision in the Brown v Entertainment Merchants Association case. Here, he offers the thoughts of famous libertarian Wendy McElroy, and adds another dimension to it. Gard exposes the nonsense and illogic of claiming that video games can be "violent" and that they "inspire" people to become violent. Then Gard shares a CABAL member's views on the so-called "Social Contract", and offers thoughts on gubment fear-mongering. Good stuff for the mind! Join us at the liberty conspiracy online! Be Seeing You!