The Zeta Message co-author Judy Carroll

Starseed Radio Academy show

Summary: Australian author Judy Carroll, of  "Human by Day, ET by Night"  was asked by her Zeta family to write books about ET/human contact from the ET perspective, to assist  human understanding and inter-species communication. Judy's ambassadorial role comes through in her books and interviews, which provide an opportunity  to counter the disinformation put out about the ETs. At age 30, during a contact with the Zetas in which she recognized them as family, she was told to learn to meditate, and use Tai Chi as a bridge to a more spiritually-oriented mind focus. She was also told to learn natural healing, to teach in the future, and she’d be moving back to town. All this happened just as they said, and since then Judy has come to understand that her job here, as a Zeta living a human life on Earth, is to assist Earth people to move past their fear to open more fully to their Higher Self. Her latest book is "The Zeta Message,"  a non-fiction account her lifelong contact with the extraterrestrial beings known as “Greys” or “Zetas”. It is also the story of an Australian family who found themselves caught up in full-on conscious contact with these mysterious beings. Helene Kaye, the co-author of The Zeta Message, is the mother of the family involved. This book is very different in that, for the first time, detailed answers and explanations are provided on the true meaning behind the ET contact and abduction scenario.  Visit her websites: and At the top of the show, it's the Starseed News segment with Anastasia, bringing topics of interest to starseed, and sharing emails from our listeners. Thanks for joining us!