02x02 : The Phantom Menace Taint

Square Peg Show show

Summary: Tired of that not-so-fresh feeling? We prescribe The Square Peg Show, season 2, episode 2, available over-the-counter at most podcast providers. You might have a few side effects, though, because we discuss reverse engineering, reverse interventions, and reverse commenting. All of that requires additional medication, like Spartans with HandyCams® , sentient marionette dolls, and... The Rathbone. We discuss the sudden loss of Dwayne McDuffie, known for his great stories in comics and animation. For more on his legacy, check out these remembrances. In frivolous news, we expound on the casting for Superman and Dark Tower, photos of The Amazing Spider-Man, pilots ordered of Powers and Wonder Woman, and other super-powered shenanigans. Our March preview at 12:40 features The Adjustment Bureau, Limitless, Rango, Red Riding Hood, Kill the Irishman, Paul, Jane Eyre, Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Rodrick Rules, Battle: L.A., and Sucker Punch. There's a lengthy review of Primer at 34:50. (We discuss Primer's last act from 42:26 to 44:45, with a particular plot point at 44:10 that you might want to avoid if you plan on watching it for the first time.) Press play to stream our episode or go for the direct download. If you don't, the fucking universe ends, but whatever. PRESS PLAY RELEVANT STUFFS: www.incompetech.com Royalty free music