Brian McLaren & James Alison on Religion, Violence & Mimetic Theory

Tripp Fuller show

Summary: When Brian McLaren calls and says, "Tripp you gotta record this & share it.  I think James is gonna be gold." then you do it.  This episode is a conversation between James Alison & Brian McLaren.  It took place as part of a Raven Foundation event that explored how the work of René Girard could transform our understanding of the Christian story, atonement, violence, politics and more. Brian McLaren is podcast regular, activist, author, and emerging church pioneer.  James Alison is a Catholic theologian, priest, and author who identifies as gay who developed Jesus the Forgiving Victim, a program of induction into the Christian faith for adults, following on from the insight into desire associated with René Girard. [for an introductory conversation about mimetic thought and Girard read this] *** If you enjoy all the Homebrewed Christianity Podcasts then consider sending us a donation via paypal. We got bandwidth to buy & audiological goodness to dispense. We will also get a percentage of your Amazon purchase through this link OR you can send us a few and get us a pint!***