Sound Off 289 - The New Corporation Revealed

Solomonster Sounds Off show

Summary: Solomonster has a PACKED TWO HOUR SHOW this week with thoughts on the best Summerslam in 10 years, Daniel Bryan winning the WWE Title only to have it snatched away, the big double heel turn at the end, finally realizing the problem with Brock Lesnar's previous three matches, a rant on the idiots cheering John Cena's surgery, giving up on Sin Cara, the heat with him and Alberto Del Rio, an angry fan letter about CM Punk insulting a fan on Raw and my response, who the new Paul Heyman guy SHOULD be, an incredible Bray Wyatt promo you probably never heard, CESARO VS. ZAYN ON NXT, how TNA might let AJ Styles slip away, Jesse Sorensen's mother goes bankrupt from his medical bills, explaining my hate for The Miz, picking apart the PWI 500, the greatest WrestleMania sets of all time, and a message for all the Batman fans bashing Ben Affleck.  Make a PayPal donation in the box on the right to support the show!Download Standard Podcast