Revolution 2.0 - The Next Generation of Leaders at YAL’s 5th Annual Convention

Ron Paul 2012 Podcast show

Summary: I've been meaning to post this audio for the last few weeks, waiting for some higher quality audio. Unfortunately, these recordings were taken off of a UStream livestream of the events. From July 31 through August 3rd, the Young Americans for Liberty held their 5th Annual National Convention at George Mason University's Arlington Law Campus. Over three hundred youth leaders- representing 46 states and 200 universities- came to organize, train, and hear from the liberty movement's new generation of leaders on Capitol Hill. Links to the <br> original media sources are included in the file description; included audio can <br> be heard in the order listed below:<br> <br> (0:00) Senator Rand Paul, Senator Mike Lee, and Senator Ted Cruz participated in a livestreamed roundtable discussion, moderated by <br> YAL's Executive Director Jeff Frazee. Video compliments of YouTube User: <a href="">FreedomWorksAction</a>. (7/31)<br> <br> (1:10:20) Representatives Justin Amash, Thomas Massie, Mick Mulvaney, and Raul <br> Labrador share personal stories about their experiences fighting for <br> liberty on Capitol Hill. Video compliments of YouTube User: <a href="">YALiberty</a>. (8/1)<br>