Preview Reviews for Zero Dark Thirty, Red Dawn, Trouble with the Curve; The Campaign Reviewed; Contest Announced!

GeekScholars Movie News show

Summary: ​Sorry for the slight delay this week, but we're going to try to make it up to our listeners with this nugget of geeky goodness: we're hosting another contest! To celebrate the one year anniversary of ​GeekScholars Movie News​, we're asking listeners for feedback on the show. Good, bad, sarcastic, undying love, we want to hear it all (especially that last one). The winner gets to pick out ANY geek t-shirt of their choosing that they can find on the interwebs, and we'll send it to you with shipping including! We figure if you're gonna win a shirt, it should be one you're super-crazy-jazzed to wear proudly! To enter, literally just find some way to give us some feedback! You could write us an email (, comment on our Facebook page, or just leave us a note in the comments field below. Super easy, right? So, enter already! But, on to the show! This week on ​GeekScholars Movie News​, the crew takes a look at the trailers for ​Zero Dark Thirty, Red Dawn​ and ​Trouble with the Curve​ during our Preview Section. From there, GeekScholars Fox and Jill talk about how positively surprised they were by ​The Campaign​. To close out the episode, we've got some Quickies, covering news on ​Avengers 2, Justice League, Jack Ryan​, ​Bill and Ted 3​, and some interesting information regarding the Vince Vaughn/ Owen Wilson comedy ​The Internship.