August 22, 2013 - Hour: 2

The Nightwatch show

Summary: Ryan Braun released a statement today basically apologized for lying to everyone about his involvement in BioGenesis and failing an earlier drug test. The problem is that he lied so much for so long that it's doubtful he can ever be fully forgiven by teammates and fans. Matt likes the way Mark McGwire "went away" after retiring and waiting a few years before admitting using steroids and actually apologized to the Maris family in person. Tom can't get the image of him sitting in front of Congress out of his mind. Johny Manziel, who won last year's Heisman Trophy, is listed as a 2nd team QB. Now is that because of his of field issues and possible eligibility problems, or is this the twisting of the knife by other SEC teams. Shouldn't the reigning Heisman winner be on the 1st team? Ben Affleck is being cast as the new Batman. Is that really the best choice? Tom doesn't mind it too much, but Colin and Matt think he is a poor choice and hope it doesn't damage the franchise too badly.