S06E26 – Raging Ubuntu

Ubuntu Podcast » MP3 show

Summary: We’re back with the twenty-sixth episode of Season Six of the Ubuntu Podcast from the UK LoCo Team! Alan Pope, Mark Johnson, Tony Whitmore, and (sort of) Laura Cowen are back in Studio A with carrot cake, tea, and an interview. You can also watch the video on Youtube! In this week’s show:- We interview Zane Swafford about what happened when he sold an application through the Ubuntu Software Centre. We share some Command Line Lurve: uprecords We chat about trying bitmessage and torchat buying an Arduino starter kit, and climbing a mountain in Malawi for charity (please sponsor!). And we go over your marvellous feedback, including finding out about the Julian Day Please send your comments and suggestions to: podcast@ubuntu-uk.org Join us on IRC in #ubuntu-uk-podcast on Freenode Leave a voicemail via phone: +44 (0) 203 298 1600, sip: podcast@sip.ubuntu-uk.org and skype: ubuntuukpodcast Follow our twitter feed http://twitter.com/uupc Find our Facebook Fan Page Follow us on Google Plus