Hacking email marketing

be intrepid. show

Summary: [reading this via email? click here to listen] Thrilled to be a monthly guest on Dan Waldschmidt's show, Edgy Perspectives. Here are some notes from the show page on our recent conversation around email marketing: That’s what we are going to talk about — 6 highly effective strategies for getting better replies, more engagement, and generating more deals from the people who really need what you are selling. You’ll learn the words to use, tools to use, and process to use to get much better results. Imagine if you could have 50% of the people you email respond back to you. How much better would your business be? [see original notes here] Here is the audio: So, just for fun, here are some completely random notes I sketched out during my show prep: 1. Do not be all selly sell - provide helpful info that serves and benefits your customer/prospect. 2. Use autoresponders to move someone thru a educational process. 3. Use video texting when people aren't responding to your email. 4. First of all, think about the email you get. Over time, you've subscribed to a ton of different mailing lists. You know damn well there are emails you automatically delete when you get it. You don't even look at it. Think about why. And then there are emails you get that you drop everything and read. Think about why? Is it the content easy to consume? is it the social proof? is it the design? is it the immediate value you get, the immediate actions you can take? Understand why certain emails move you, and learn from that. 5. List size doesn't matter. Cull from the lists the people that don't belong. You are better off mailing to a very small list of people who want to be there, verses boasting of a giant mailing list that does nothing for you. 6. Mail frequently. Mailing once a month doesn't work. This is risky, people are culturally trained to believe mailing often, even daily, is bad. But remember, if you love getting the email, you'll happily take it daily. 7. I believe short and concise is better. Personally, I don't like the long digest emails that take a lot of minutes of peruse. 8. Mobile friendly. Be sure your emails are mobile optimized. With fonts you can read. 9. Use autoresponders. Permission-based, properly time-sequenced autoresponder campaigns are, I believe, one of the most powerful marketing tools out there. And very effective. And once set-up, do all the work for you. 10. You have to offer something. Some sort of call to action. Don't be in their face selly sell, but teach, educate, serve, help, provide knowledge that makes someone better. But then do include a way for people to go deeper. The number one reason people fail at fundraising, is that they never actually make the ask for money... 11. You want engagement? Then don't repeat the content that everyone else is saying. Get personal. Get real. Get deep. And get in their face. Be edgy. Be controversial. Spark debate. Get people thinking. Unlock the passion that cultures demands remain locked up in most people.... Push buttons... ### Learn other marketing hacks here!