Peter Kling warning and advise how to Survive Armageddon

Crs Radio Caribbean Radio Show  show

Summary: Considered as the Einstein of Biblical prophecy:  Peter Kling; author of "Letters to Earth You Can Survive Armageddon!",combined his scientific and religious knowledge together, to uncover the "mystery" that religion has tried to keep hidden for over 2000 years! Peter Kling began his Bible education at the age of five and never really stopped. As he trained to become a scientist, he began to discover answers to many of his biblical questions. His near death experience in 1999 gave additional insights to Biblical questions. "My research started almost 30 years ago. A thought came to me one day, If the Bible was really written for the generation who were living in the “Last Days” then there should be plenty of evidence that could be proven either scientifically, or historically and free from "Religious Dogma, I was right, I found what I was looking for. What is the real story of the Bible? It is a story about genetic engineering of the human race, Alien breeding of human women, Extraterrestrial involvement in our education, Mind control, Creation of alien gods and the invention of religion, Conspiracy, Inter-galactic rebellion, A visit from an alien ambassador, who tried to teach us about LOVE and something about a kingdom here on earth, We have warnings of WARS, FOOD SHORTAGE, DISEASE, EARTHQUAKES and DEATH on an unprecedented scale and if that is not bad enough, there is something in Revelation about a "Great Reptilian" coming to earth and we get to host an inter-galactic war called Armageddon! Oh yes and some of us get to live!  call in with questions  661-467-2407