Episode 87: 12 August 2013

Galactic Suburbia show

Summary: Galactic Suburbia Episode 87: Saga Spoilerific Book Club For the first time in years, all three hosts of Galactic Suburbia have read the same thing at the same time! So buckle up, it's time for another installment of the Spoilerific Book Club!  We're taking on the Eisner-award winning & Hugo-nominated comic Saga, written by Brian K Vaughan and drawn by Fiona Staples, published by Image Comics. For this episode we look at the 12 issues which have been collected as the first two trade editions of Saga and we spoil EVERYTHING, so don't listen unless you've a) read it or b) don't care about spoilers.  We discuss tree rockets in space, breastfeeding, childbirth, violence, men with TV screens for head, gay sex, straight sex, parents-in-law, mutilated bodies, fatherhood, brothel planets, child prostitutes, romance novels, the sexual anatomy of giants, Lying Cat, and character deaths. PLEASE NOTE THE EXPLICIT TAG. AND WE REALLY MEAN IT ABOUT THE SPOILERS. The issue that was (briefly) too racy for ComiXology, and why this was a double standard. Because it wasn't the issue with the child prostitutes.  Please send feedback to us at galacticsuburbia@gmail.com, follow us on Twitter at @galacticsuburbs, check out Galactic Suburbia Podcast on Facebook and don't forget to leave a review on iTunes if you love us!