Michelle Podlesni of "UNconventional Nurse"

RNFMRadio show

Summary: Founder of UNconventional Nurse and author of the #1 Amazon bestseller, “Unconventional Nurse: Going From Burnout to Bliss!”, Michelle is a Business Coach that teaches nurses how to use their nursing knowledge to re-invent rewarding and profitable careers so that they can continue to make a difference and live the lifestyle they desire. Michelle shares with nurses the business mindset, strategies and skills that enabled her to become a corporate executive overseeing the strategic, operational and technical areas of multi-million dollar companies. Her book also contains interviews with five highly successful UNconventional Nurses. Check out her website at UNconventionalNurse.com where you can sign up for her FREE newsletter and review her Coaching Services. Join us for what will certainly be an inspiring conversation about nurse entrepreneurship!