Anything Ghost Show #179 - A Spooky Light in Liverpool England, Crybaby Bridge Revisisted, a Haunting in Salem Massachusetts and More! show

Summary: Show List for #179: 1. Matt (Michigan, U.S.) – Detroit Airport Ghost 2. Johnny (US) – Ghostly Vehicle 3. Anonymous (Canada) – The Haunted Rec Room 4. Cathie (Massachusetts) – A Haunted Salem Massachusetts Hotel 5. Steven (Alaska) - Something in the Woods 6. Melisa (Palm Desert, California) - A Ghost in the Apt 7. Mando & Jen (Torrance, California)  - Supernatual Experience in Fresno, California 8. Chris (Maryland, U.S.)  - Midnight Snack 9. Chris (Frederick, Maryland) - Crybaby Bridge 10. Stephanie (North Carolina, US) - A Chemist's Story 11. Michael (Liverpool, England) - The Light in the Stairwell Donate to Anything Ghost to help it stay ALIVE: click on the gold "PAYPAL" link on the top right side of the page (