A Journey Home: Week 01 The Promise of Home

Grace-Snellville - Teachings | gfc.tv show

Summary: Our culture is full of ideas about home. Magazines tell us how to have better ones (and gardens), our cliches tell us we can find it where the heart is (behind our ribcage?!?), and websites send us to a home page (though they usually aren’t very good to live in). It’s where we bring the bacon, it’s where we head after rounding third, and we all know there’s no place like it. But what is home, really? In this series, we are going to take a journey toward answering that question. The words of Jesus in John 14-15 will be our guide, and along the way God’s Spirit will lead us into a truer, deeper experience of home than we’ve ever known before. By the time it’s all said and done, we’re pretty sure this summer will definitely be something to write home about. Downloads