A Journey Home: Week 03 Trust Your Dad

Grace-Snellville - Teachings | gfc.tv show

Summary: At some point, we’ve all felt like we didn’t quite belong. But God wants to show us a place where we’re surrounded by love and approval, a place where we can find rest, protection and hope. What is it like to be at home? Because of an ancient tragedy that occurred in our family lines, our default mode of operation is living as abandoned orphans. But that can be changed—God’s greatest desire is that we would all come Home. As we continue in the third week of our Journey Home series from John 14-15, we will see how Jesus invites us to move from a life of desperate striving for approval, acceptance, and significance to a life of freedom, hope, and love. What if you could wake up every morning confident in your knowledge that you are a beloved son or daughter of God, ready to step into his mission, observing his works and doing what he does—not to earn his love—but because you already have it? Downloads