A Journey Home: Week 05 Return Home

Grace-Snellville - Teachings | gfc.tv show

Summary: To me, nothing feels more like summer than finding a patch of shade at the park after running around and eating a nice, fresh bunch of grapes. But I imagine if we asked our kids, “Where do grapes come from?” they would probably answer, “From the grocery store, of course!” Few of us see vineyards on a daily basis, and fewer of us have ever walked among the vines, tending to their growth and fruitfulness. But according to Jesus, the work of a vinedresser is exactly like the work of God in our lives as we abide in Christ and his words abide in us. This week, we will read the famous words of John 15 together and, hopefully, grasp in an even deeper way what it means to abide, be pruned, and bear fruit. So if you eat any grapes before Sunday, take a moment to think about where they came from and how Jesus would have you learn about being at home with God from them. Downloads