A Journey Home: Week 07&08 Remain at Home / Full Joy

Grace-Snellville - Teachings | gfc.tv show

Summary: John 15 is John’s record of a long last walk with Jesus just before He was arrested. On this walk, Jesus kept repeating Himself, saying the most important things to His closest friends: -Remain in Me -Ask in My Name -Bear Much Fruit -Love Each Other -Remember Me/My Words -Be Full of Joy Jesus wanted His FAMILY of followers to be marked by FULLNESS of JOY! What is JOY and how do we get it. One of the older definitions of Joy gives us an idea of how to get it. Joy = The anticipation of receiving or possessing what we love or desire the most. C.S. Lewis stated it this way, “Fully to enjoy is to glorify. In commanding us to glorify Him, God is inviting us to enjoy Him.” How full of JOY are you right now? What if unlimited JOY really was available to you? Are you expecting to receive what you love the most? Jesus delights in giving HIMSELF to us. Let’s come together Sunday ready to receive him. Downloads