GI Show 168: The Bureau: XCOM Declassified Interview, Saints Row IV

The Game Informer Show show

Summary: In this week's GI Show, we talk to 2K Marin creative director Morgan Gray about The Bureau: XCOM Declassified and discuss's Volition's gonzo Saints Row 4. We start things off with a long interview with Morgan Gray, who's been leading this long-in-development XCOM project for some time. The game has gone through a lot of twists and turns on its way to retail, and will finally release next week. Host Matt Helgeson and Matt Miller ask Gray about the game's evolution and what it hopes to add to the storied XCOM franchise. In the second segment, Matt is joined by Joe Juba and Jason Oestreicher to break down the latest (and craziest) entry in the Saints Row series. (Please visit the site to view this media)