Sultan Ali(Prince Buster's son) Tells Artist How to Survive

Crs Radio Caribbean Radio Show  show

Summary:  Reggae artist development "Surviving the down times" Sultan Ali (Prince Buster's son) Tells Artist How to Survive the down times ...When the  stage lights go dark how to carry on in the real world.(1).If a person is really determined to enter and succeed in the  reggae music industry , then he or she must have the guts, the patience and the perseverance (2)“selling out” means compromising one’s artistic integrity for the sake of making more money.(3)Artists aren’t always as brilliant as they think they are, and the public isn’t as stupid as the artists think. (4)don’t shortchange the intelligence of the music-buying public. (5) Respect to your fans they employ you and they can FIRE You! How to send you make to radio and get played.. One hand was the other... Artist need all media  and media needs you as well.How to effectively survive in the social networking world Problems can face any emerging musicians when they try to dive “head first” into the great social media swamp? over-saturate and use every platform that is going too much!,” Jamie says. “It’s easy to get lost, and people become disinterested very quickly. Make your content counts. Index your page with good contents , blogs . Do Not Private your page EVER no matter the problems  use the "delete button". What is Reggae Round Robin  ....explained  join the movement 661-467-2407