PWN #106: Heather Greene & Pagan Media

Pagan-Musings Podcast Channel show

Summary: Pagan Weekly News continues it's third year of covering mainstream news and Pagan events and information from a unique Pagan perspective. RevKess and Zaracon bring the listener news, views, and interviews from the Pagan community. Around the bottom of the hour Heather Greene joins RevKess and Zaracon for a talk about the Covenant of the Goddess, The Wild Hunt and Pagan Media in general and so much more! From her bio on The Wild Hunt: Heather is currently serving as National Public Information Officer for Covenant of the Goddess. From 2010-2012, she served as Public Information Officer for Dogwood Local Council. Additionally, she assists Lady Liberty League as a media relations adviser for cases involving threats to religious freedom in public schools. And, she is regular contributing writer to Circle Magazine. Heather is a Wiccan Priestess and has been practicing for almost twenty years. Her other interests fall into the creative realm. She has always found peace while dabbling in the artistic energy that always seems to encircle her life through music, dance, color and words. Currently, she is entertaining the muse through her own writing and through music as a singer and songwriter. She finds power and inspiration in all that is reflected in nature’s beauty, family and friends.