I was just thinking...Is White Right?

Crs Radio Caribbean Radio Show  show

Summary: History is again repeating itself. In the constant battle to divide and conquer the black race and build  the steady rise of self-hatred we see the marginalization of men and women of darker skin and the rise of those who are lighter into positions of power and influence. With this mixture of one lack parent households does this give the power that be an ally and buffer between the races? Color, as defined by the European in every medium, has continued to influence every other race on the planet, particularly the darkest of us. From black enslavement until today the old adage; White is right, brown stick around, yellow is mellow and black get back still rings true. The rise of our own prejudice has again manifested itself as the poison it has always been, dividing our people into mulattos, quadroon and octoroons popularized in Louisiana and Florida. Some black men will choose wither a white or light woman who does not look like his dark-skinned mother not because of love, but because of a deep revulsion of the very womb that birthed him. Some black women as if reacting to the snub have decided to lighten their children's chance by having babies by white men and other's to fulfill the myth of color and the access to success. Why do Puerto Rican shun their black heritage? Why do those from the Dominican Republic consider themselves more Spanish than black? Why are so man Mexicans leaving their black Abuelita in the closet?  Have we been programmed to hate our seed? Why does every woman want to look like Beyonce? Would we have the first African-American President if he looked like Michael Jordan? While white woman are trying there best to look like a black woman, why are we rejecting our lips, hair and body types? Do we believe white is right?