UW Fourth Greenest College In Nation, And Plans For A Seattle Bike Share

The Conversation Podcast show

Summary: University Of Washington Is Fourth Greenest College In The Nation: The Sierra Club has just published its list of the Greenest Colleges in America, and the University of Washington placed fourth. That's down three spots from last year, when the UW was first. But according to the Sierra Club, that doesn't mean we have become less eco–friendly, only that other schools are catching up. We talk to the Sierra Club's lifestyle editor for more. Plans For A Bike Share In Seattle: Seattle may soon be the next major city with a bike sharing system — a program where people can pay a fee to rent a bike from a checkpoint in the city and return it at another location. Bike shares are already popular in Washington, DC, Sao Paulo and China, and in development in places like Portland and New York City. And the Puget Sound Bike Share is looking to bring one to Seattle. We get the details from the vice president of the Puget Sound Bike Share. Earthquake Study Raises Risk Potential Around Central Washington Dams: Central Washington was considered at low risk for earthquakes back when big hydropower dams went up on the Columbia River many decades ago. But a recently completed seismic hazard assessment has found greater earthquake potential for the area than previously thought. Now the dam owners have to figure out how to respond. Seismic retrofits could cost ratepayers across the region hundreds of millions of dollars. Correspondent Tom Banse has this exclusive report.