First Aid (Real Life)

English, baby! Daily Podcasts show

Summary: You’re cooking dinner for friends and cut your finger with a knife. It’s not serious, but it’s bleeding and it’s important to be hygienic. All you need is a band-aid, but even if you have one, it’s probably in the back of the medicine cabinet. There’s nothing within reach in the kitchen. You can’t believe you don’t have a first aid kit in the house! It’s not the law to have first aid kits in homes, but maybe it should be. Think about it: Headache? Here’s some aspirin in your first aid kit. Something stuck in your hand? Use these tweezers. Cut yourself? There are band-aids of all shapes and sizes. You can even put a kit together by yourself. If you think about it, it’s pretty smart to keep everything in the same place. Find out what Devan has to tell Jeff about a time she wished she had a first aid kit in this lesson about good health. -- View this and other great English lessons at