EP #21 Furry Moses Numbers and Letters Update

Ingenious Basterds show

Summary: Warning: Graphic language and offensive material. Listen at your own risk! In this episode the boys discuss: July 4th Special Edited Edition !: Lots of censoring!!  Americquil. Lee Greenwood. Carson Barfield is hanging out in another room being fed. Stand up show in Princeton with Todd and Andy. If you're attached to an iron lung does that automatically make you a cyborg? Why do hipsters like PBR? Carson walks into the room. Not literally. How did we win the wars of America without cell phones? Todd is engaged!!! Adrian is a nice nice nice man…err woman. This is the part where a lot is cut out.. You can only imagine what is said. Girl poops on dance floor. LOTS of editing. News coverage on the girl who pooped on the dance floor. Egypt Protest. Everyman wishes he was Bill Clinton. Jimmy Carter. Nelson Mandela. Tarantino remakes movies?? Man with the worlds biggest "member". Kyle looks at extinct mammals on wikipedia. Shout outs to our fan emails. Planning the perfect murder. How are we going to spend our July 4th? Neighbors and Grilling out. Kyle asks Andy a dumb question. Confederates alive in Kyle's basement. Game of Throne talk. Andy has a question for Kyle. Vaccines. Aliens. Bigfoot. If you were a wrestler, what would your name be and finishing move?