Try It On For Size (Eavesdropping)

English, baby! Daily Podcasts show

Summary: One of the funny things about buying clothes online is that you don’t get a chance to see if the clothing fits you. Unlike shopping at a store, there’s no fitting room. You just have to make a good guess and hope that it works out. Usually, it does, but sometimes you end up with shoes that are too big, or a pair of pants that are just too small. When that happens, you might wish that you had been able to try the clothing on for size before you bought it. To try something on for size doesn’t just apply to clothes. It doesn’t even just apply to size. It means to try something out before you commit to it. So, for example, if you’re thinking about moving to a new town, you might take a vacation there for a week to try it on for size and see if you like it. Or if you’re thinking about getting a tattoo, you might give yourself a fake tattoo first, just to try it on for size and see if you like having a drawing on your skin. Greta’s trying something on for size, but Mason doesn’t know that she hasn’t committed to it yet. Find out what she’s trying on in this English lesson. -- View this and other great English lessons at