Next Generation Catalyst Podcast: Millennials / Technology / Leadership / Branding show

Summary: The Next Generation Catalyst Podcast episode #003! Review the Podcast and Get Exclusive Video Click here to rate or review the show in iTunes. Then click the blue “View in iTunes” button. Then click the “Ratings and Reviews” tab. As a thank you for the generous review, I will send you an exclusive behind-the-scenes video of the making of the podcast. Simply, contact me after reviewing the show and I’ll send you the video. Episode Overview In this episode of the Next Generation Catalyst Podcast, I chat with #1 best selling author, Erik Qualman, about how to effectively lead, increase productivity and leverage social media in today's digital age. Episode Takeaways Who is Erik Qualman. How today's digital age is changing leadership. Tips to simplify your life in the digital age. Tips to managing your email inbox. How to uncover what you do 3x better than others. Why transparency is crucial for today's leaders. How to get and stay in motion. Which situations leaders should handle offline. The #1 trait every next generation leader needs to embody. Erik's greatest success catalyst. Ask A Question On Future Podcasts Feel free to visit my voicemail page to quickly and easily leave me a message - ask a question, suggest a topic, or just say hey! I may even feature you and your question on the show! Share the Love Click here to share the love for the NGC Podcast with the world! Episode Resources My blog post review of Erik's book - Digital Leader Erik's video Social Media Revolution 2011 Erik's video Social Media Video 2013 Erik's TED talk Erik's book Socialnomics Erik's book Digital Leader Socialnomics website Follow Erik on Twitter Like Erik on Facebook Subscribe To The Podcast Never miss an episode. I post the podcast on the first Monday of every month. If you subscribe, you will automatically get every episode for free! Click here to see how you can subscribe to the podcast.   On A Mobile Device? Click here to play the podcast episode in Stitcher.   Thanks for listening! Question: What topics would you like to hear discussed in future podcasts?