IGN UK Podcast #196: Now With 100% More Badgers

IGN Games Podcasts show

Summary: Welcome fearless traveller. You're about to embark on a journey into the dark, into the unknown. Actually, this week has some semblance of order as we talk about the big news of the week: Nintendo's dire quarterly financials BioShock DLC revealed Fez II unexpectedly cancelled And if that wasn't enough to be getting on with, we also talk about the future of Nintendo in general, go through loads of Reader FU, and of course, we've give you an insight into the new office if you're interested (you're probably not, but be polited and say 'yes'). It's all here for the taking in this week's podcast, so join Alex, Krupa, Keza, and Stu... they've been expecting you. IGN UK Podcast #196: Now With 100% More Badgers – 67.4 MB (right click to save) Subscribe to IGN's Podcast Series