SPP 066 – How to Maintain Your Confidence

The Story Studio Podcast - Writing, Storytelling, and Marketing Advice for Writers & Business show

Summary: We spent a bit of time at the beginning of this episode talking about last week's discussion about Sean's and my decision to price The Beam's full season collection at $9.99. The upshot is that we took the spirit of the criticism (that we weren't effectively communicating the bundle's value) while simultaneously standing our ground (and keeping the pricing the same. Check out the new page for the The Beam's Full Season Collection. You'll see how we changed the image and the wording to better indicate the value. Then we transitioned into talking about support systems and how to maintain your confidence when people don't understand what you're doing, criticize you, or think it's cute that you write rather than being a legit art or business. Spouses, family, friends, fellow writers… and also listening to cool but foul-mouthed writing podcasts can all be sources of support, for starters. Oh, and one correction I wanted to make. For some reason, I said that "Blair Moore" left us a review when I knew full well (and heard it instantly when I listened back) that it's Blaine Moore. I really did know that, Blaine. Brain fart. To view the video version of this episode, go to: Self Publishing Podcast #66 - Maintaining Your Confidence as a Writer When Others Don't Understand