5 Tips In 5 Minutes: 5 Ways To Lose Those Last 5 Pounds

Angry Trainer Fitness show

Summary: Today’s 5 Tips In 5 Minutes podcast is one that I know many of you will relate to! Oftentimes in an exercise program you’ll make it 95% of the way to your goal, and then…nothing! It feels like your body has stalled and refuses to make any additional progress. You know the feeling, right? You just have a few more pounds to go to meet your target weight but try as you might you just can’t shift them… Keep in mind, most vanity driven goals are not on your body’s priority list. It craves homeostasis and likes having a bit of body fat, which we all hate. Add that to the fact that losing those last few pounds requires a lot of energy and work to burn them off, and you have what seems to be a daunting task ahead of you. Have no fear though! Today I’m sharing 5 Tips In 5 Minutes to help you get rid of those last few pesky pounds. Think of it as a Fat Eviction notice! So have a listen to my suggestions and let me know how it goes. Enjoy! Alfons