Short Circuits: The Basement Workout

Angry Trainer Fitness show

Summary: Hey everyone - time for something a little different here at Angry Trainer Fitness! As you know we’re always listening to your comments and one of the notes we receive constantly is ‘can we have more exercise demonstrations’ on the site! Trust me, I know where you’re coming from. It’s very hard to write a description of an exercise – and for all of you out there to visualize the movements. With that in mind we will be running a lot more video in the New Year – and in fact have a rather exciting new partnership to announce very soon on that front. But we’re also going to try something else. Ever wanted to have The Angry Trainer right there with you in the gym, working out with you? Well now you can! Yep we’re going to be trying a little something called Short Circuits where I’ll be walking you through an exercise cycle as you listen along. Today’s circuit is called the Basement Workout and yep, I recorded it myself this morning in my basement (you can even hear the echo!) It’s really simple. The workout consists of the exercises listed below and I used my Gym Boss interval timer to time 25 second sets with 15 seconds rest in-between. You’ll hear the interval timed beeps at the same time as I do, and I’ll cue you in with proper form along the way. One pass through the circuit will take about 7 ½ minutes, so if you have time run through it 2, 3, heck even 4 times! All you need to do is head to Itunes to download the podcast – it’s under the name Angry Trainer Fitness - load it onto your iPhone or iPod and take it with you to the gym! And voila – instant Angry Trainer with you as you workout. (BTW don’t forget to become an ATF subscriber when you visit Itunes so you’ll receive all my latest podcasts) Got it? Okay - here’s the circuit… Basement Workout 1. Jumping Jacks 2. Pushups with Alternating Knee Pull Forward 3. Jump Squats 4. Alternating Reverse Lunge with Dumbbell Biceps Curls 5. Alternating T–Planks 6. Dumbbell Squat 8 Press 7. V-Ups 8. Mountain Climbers 9. Shoulder Taps 10. Bent Over Dumbbell Row 11. High Knees Let me know what you think in the comments section below. If you like this idea we’ll run lots more of these Podcasts in the New Year – but you need to let me know! Enjoy Alfons