VIDEO: The Swing, Push, Pull Workout

Angry Trainer Fitness show

Summary: Hello everyone! It’s workout time again! Yes – we know how much you love our ‘real time’ workout videos here at Angry Trainer Fitness so recently I headed back to the studio to film a batch more clips with my site producers which we’ll be running over the coming weeks. You’re going to love them! Today I’m sharing the first of the new series, called the Swing, Push, Pull Workout. It’s a simple, yet very effective, full body blast workout that should get you building up a sweat and out of breath – just like The Angry Trainer! As the name implies, you’ll be performing a Kettlebell swing along with pushing and pulling movements. Plus I’ve thrown in some old fashioned jumping jacks as active rest between sets, some stability and core work and included my all time favorite exercise – burpees! Here’s the workout: The Swing, Push, Pull Workout *All x 15 reps CIRCUIT #1 1. Kettlebell Swing 2. Twisting Pushup 3. Plank One Armed Kettlebell Row 4. Jumping Jacks Rest 30 seconds and repeat Rest 60 Seconds then move to circuit #2. CIRCUIT #2 5. Kettlebell Drive Side Lateral 6. Pushup Downward Dog 7. Standing one armed row w/Kettlebell 8. Burpees Rest 30 seconds and repeat And of course if you’re feeling especially strong at the end of both circuits, do it all over again! [youtube][/youtube] So check this out. The kettlebell movements are awesome ‘everything’ exercises – they works the legs, hips, low back, core, shoulders, a bit of arms and are cardiovascular. The pushing exercises hit your shoulders, chest, core, abs and triceps, while the pulling movements target the upper and middle back, shoulders and biceps. The jumping jacks and burpees elevate your heart rate before the 30-second rest. And as you know, the burpees are killer, especially at the end of a circuit. They too are an incredible full body, calorie blasting, fat-incinerating exercise. Now some of you have said that my workouts are too easy and I’m here to tell you that’s a load of bull! If you find this workout easy, it’s because you aren’t putting out and your intensity level is low. YOU are in control of how hard or easy this workout is and I can tell you these particular sets of exercises are right out of my training journal. So if it works and challenges me, it should for you also. As always I want to thanks to Sears FitStudio for providing me with some awesome fitness equipment for these Angry Trainer Fitness workout videos. And as usual don’t forget to subscribe to my YouTube Channel to get notified of the latest additions to our growing library of FREE workouts! Hope you like the Swing, Push, Pull Workout… more to come soon! All information contained within this site, Angry Trainer, is for informational purposes only.  It is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any health problem – nor is it intended to replace the advice of a physician.  No action should be taken solely on the contents of this website.  Always consult your physician or qualified health professional on any matters regarding your health or on any opinions expressed within this website. Please see your physician before changing your diet, starting an exercise program, or taking any supplements of any kind.