VIDEO: The Floor It Workout!

Angry Trainer Fitness show

Summary: Ready for another Angry Trainer Workout? Last time around I unveiled my Bodyweight Blast Workout which became our fastest viewed video so far (thanks for watching everyone!) Now let’s see what you make of this week’s program – The Floor It Workout. With each one of these workouts I try to keep it fresh and challenge you in different ways. The last workout – Bodyweight Blast, used no equipment. For this workout you’ll need a set of dumbbells, a medicine ball and a kettlebell. However if you don’t have a kettlebell, you can substitute a dumbbell. This routine is tough as it’s performed against the clock – so once again I’ve set my Gym Boss timerto 20-second intervals with 10 seconds rest. It’s a combination workout, utilizing classic Angry Trainer methods. That’s a whole lot of fitness wrapped up in one workout! The Floor It Workout All 20 seconds, 10 seconds rest Circuit #1 1. Mountain Climbers 2. Sit-ups 3. Jump Lunges 4. Kettlebell Hip Drive 5. Dumbbell Squat and Press 6. Medicine Ball Rolling Triceps Pushup Rest 30 seconds then repeat Rest 30 Seconds then proceed to Circuit #2 6. Bent Over Dumbbell Row 7. Sumo Dumbbell Deadlift 8. Dumbbell Side Lateral 9. Dumbbell Squat 10. One Legged Biceps Curl Rest 30 seconds, repeat As you can see you’ve got a little of everything in this bad boy. You’re jumping a bit, lifting straight up weights, focusing on balance and core and challenging your endurance. As with all my workouts, see how many times you can get through the circuit. Both circuits should take you about 7 minutes, so if you want a longer workout, just keep repeating them! This time around we’re posting the Workout on my Angry Trainer You Tube page – I want as many of you as possible to visit the page and spread the word! And once again don’t forget to become a subscriber so you can be notified when all my latest videos go live! I’ve also got to give a big shout out to Sears Fitness. You should know by now I’m a Sears Fitness Advisory Board member and FitStudio writer and program designer. Head over to their site for FREE workouts, nutrition and exercise tips and to connect with other like-minded people. Sears provided all the awesome fitness gear we use in these videos. All information contained within this site, Angry Trainer, is for informational purposes only.  It is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any health problem – nor is it intended to replace the advice of a physician.  No action should be taken solely on the contents of this website.  Always consult your physician or qualified health professional on any matters regarding your health or on any opinions expressed within this website. Please see your physician before changing your diet, starting an exercise program, or taking any supplements of any kind