Whoa: Slow News

The Jefferson Exchange show

Summary: <p>The Jefferson Exchange: July 26, 2013, Hour 2:</p><p><b> <span class="headlinetext">Whoa: Slow News</span> </b><br><br> The advantage of our information age is quick access to news, in many different forms.  But maybe that's a disadvantage as well.  When TV stations provide wall-to-wall live coverage with little new information, and tweets containing little more than conjecture sprinkle throughout cyberspace, are we really gaining much?  University of Oregon journalism professor Peter Laufer says no, emphatically.  He'll explain his approach, something he calls the <a href="http://www.slownewsmovement.com/tag/peter-laufer/" target="_blank"><strong>"slow news movement." </strong></a> </p>