Atty. S. Grey, Jury Instructions Tragic omission AGGRESSOR

The Gist of Freedom   Preserving American History through Black Literature . . . show

Summary: The Gist of Freedom Pleased to Present to you Constitutional Law Prof. Shenequa Grey Esq.  On Saturday 100 Cities held vigils pushing for Federal Charges against Zimmerman. Two petitions are circulating: For Civil Rights Violations and Suspicion of Misconduct Zimmerman's Judge failed to include "The Initial Aggressor" but was sure to include the definition for Stand Your Ground in her Jury Instructions! "A defendant in Florida cannot claim self-defense if he "initially provokes the use of force" against himself, unless he either withdraws from the conflict and conveys the withdrawal to the other party or uses reasonable escape options to avoid death or great bodily harm." A post- trail televison interview with Juror B37 reveals that she may not have been truthful during Jury Selection and that there may have been possible intimidation during the deliberation.  The failure to include the "Initial Aggressor" definition in the Judge's Jury instructions combined with the fact that when a juror asked the court to clarify this exact omitted excerpt of the law, the court told the Juror to restate her question, the jury, suspiciously instead of restating the question, they came back with a NOT GUILTY VERDICT.