Tony Stubblebine’s keys to success: community, momentum, and Lift

be intrepid. show

Summary: [listening via email? click here to listen now!] I was very pleased to welcome Tony Stubblebine to the show! Tony is the co-founder and CEO of Lift, a personal improvement company. I wanted to bring my most favorite smart phone app to your attention: Lift. And as they promise: by building better habits, you can change your life. Here a few of today's discussion topics: 1. Tony explains what he means by describing Lift as a personal improvement company. 2. We talk about their exciting partnerships with Tim Ferris, Leo Babauta, and David Allen (Getting Things Done), to name a few. 3. We discuss the importance of Lift's community, and why that might just be the most important element. 4. The impact the Power Lifters have on growing and evangelizing the brand. 5. We discuss some of the best practices with using, and getting the most out of Lift. 6. The behind-the-scenes story about why Lift was created. 7. The critical execution of small habits on a daily basis...this moves mountains. 8. The true power of momentum! And why that's the secret to most everything... Check out, and download, the Lift app here! And more importantly, check out Lift's How to Meditate page with free guided meditations! ### To hear from other intrepid souls like Tony Stubblebine, please subscribe to my podcast on iTunes. And, leaving a review and customer rating would be appreciated as well! This is episode 95.